Fertilizers for Stevia plant

In Blogs
March 31, 2021
2 min read

Fertilizers are a very crucial part to grow any plant. Therefore, while planting stevia we have to use fertilizers in the right amount. Stevia necessitates a moderate amount of nutrition. As a result, nutrition control is the most critical agronomic approach for increasing stevia leaf output and quality. To maintain soil fertility, organic manures and chemical fertilizers are used.

In this article, we are going to discuss fertilizers for stevia plant.

Fertilizers for stevia plant

For healthy development and glycoside production, Stevia requires a well-balanced diet. Despite the fact that stevia was originally presented as a produce that required little external nutritional assistance, it was later discovered that it responds well to fertilizer treatment. The soil and agro environment, cultivating framework, variety, and target yield all play a role in the nutritional management program for stevia.

Apply FYM@200qtl/acre, cow dung/urine, and vermin compost during land preparation and mix well. N:P:K 11:45:45 kg/acre, Urea 24 kg, SSP 282 kg, and Potash 75 kg/acre should be applied to the land. As a basal part, apply the entire dose of SSP. Each month, 10 doses of nitrogen and potassium are applied. The Boron and Manganese splashing is done to achieve the highest possible dry leaf yield.

Organic compost is used to keep roots cool, keep weeds at bay, and reduce moisture loss. High nitrogen fertilizers should be avoided since they generate massive leaves with little flavor. Phosphoric acid or potash-rich liquid organic fertilizers should be used.


Irrigation begins immediately after transplanting and continues every three to five days until the plants have established themselves. Watering to a depth of 5 cm is then done weekly until the monsoon rains arrive. During the hot summer months, frequent watering is essential to keep the soil hydrated. The use of a drip irrigation system reduces the amount of water needed for irrigation. Because stevia cannot tolerate waterlogging, excessive moisture levels can be harmful to the crop. As a result, appropriate drainage should be built while the site is being prepared.

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